Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle - Epic Games wants to expand the loot pool that is currently available in Fortnite and decided to bring the Assault Rifle back from the Vault.

Prior to the return of the Battle AR, Fortnite currently had three assault rifles available in the game: the Striker Burst AR, the Ranger AR, and the Hammer AR. With none of them covered, it expands the pool of four unique options Looper can get his hands on while looting the island.

Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle

Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle

Originally discussed in Chapter 2 of Season 8, AR Battle has been consistently removed from the game, stripped down, and later released a total of four times, including most recently in Chapter 3. Season 3.

Fortnite: Chapter 3

The main gimmick of the weapon comes from the fact that it is incredibly accurate if you know how to control the recoil. This can take huge advantage of the accuracy of the first shot buff. Because of this narrow spread, the Combat Kick AR is much more powerful than other assault rifles.

If you are not familiar with FSA, it guarantees 100% accuracy on the first shot of the magazine as long as you are stationary. With that said, let's take a look at the number of rare weapons of each type:

This being a battle royale, there is no sure way to guarantee that you will get an assault rifle in Fortnite, because the only way to get it is to loot the chests around the island. So, beat your opponents well with these booze-infused landmarks to increase your chances of trying out this new weapon of destruction.

We'll have to wait and see how the AR stacks up against other weapons in the category; Striker Burst recently received a small nerf, so it may be time for a new challenger to take the throne of the best assault rifle in the game. Fortnite battles are usually somewhere in between. This is good because players can dodge some shots to avoid further damage. However, as the distance increases, so does the need to be accurate while shooting.

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Even when using an assault rifle, bullets can be fired and enemies will be able to dodge the bullets. This is why most players prefer to close the gap during combat. However, this is dangerous and may lead to unfair dismissal from the game. Thankfully, there is a way to get better.

Players need to land five headers of 40 meters or more to earn 15,000 XP (Photo iFireMonkey/Twitter).

As part of this challenge, Epic Games is rewarding players with 15,000 experience points for taking down their opponents; However, there is a catch. To complete this challenge and earn XP, the shot must be aimed at a distance of 40 meters or more. The challenge may seem daunting, but it is not impossible.

Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle

Landing springs from 40 meters or more is quite a difficult challenge. Depending on the skill of the Fortnite player, things can get very difficult. However, there is an easy way to overcome this challenge. Here are the steps that players need to follow:

Fortnite New Weapons In Chapter 3 Season 3, Vaulted And Unvaulted Weapons

Since the challenge doesn't say that the target has to be another player, you can end up shooting NPCs in the game. Although they are bullet sponges, they are very easy to fight. However, this procedure cannot be confirmed until the challenge is addressed directly.

If this method does not work, players should try to shoot their opponent during the game. In that case, they should try to take pot shots to avoid getting into a tough fight.

The Hammer Assault Rifle was added in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3. It is a powerful all-around weapon that can be used in melee and ranged combat (to an extent). As its name suggests, the weapon has a lot of recoil, but can be controlled with a little practice.

The best way to use this weapon is to use a low sight target and fire a single shot or burst. Although this may not be enough to finish the goal, it will help players to complete the challenges easily.

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To get the most out of the weapons, players can bend to aim and reset their exact shot characteristics. Perhaps the real weakness of this weapon is the limited magazine size of the 20. As a result, players must keep track of the number of bullets left in their magazine to avoid reloading in the middle of a tough fight. The Hammer Assault Rifle is a fairly solid AR hammer that is best used at medium distances and when using single-shot accuracy, although it has a recoil pattern that is difficult to predict. With a short magazine but powerful damage per shot, it's like a cross between a SCAR and an AK.

The rarer the weapon, the more damage it does and the faster you can reload it. The Hammer Assault Rifle's rate of fire is unchanged at any rarity.

Don't forget that the higher the rarity, the harder it is to obtain, although you can also upgrade the weapon yourself if you have the right resources.

Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle

Fortnite is free to play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X. S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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