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partner assault response program

Partner Assault Response Program - Each advisory group is different, and clients can participate as if they were individuals

Serving the Portuguese and English speaking communities since 1997. The PAR Program is a domestic violence court initiative that provides a specialized group education and counseling program for offenders ordered by the court to participate in the PAR Program. domestic violence criminal charges.

Partner Assault Response Program

Partner Assault Response Program

A few days before COVID, a small group of men in the Abrigo Partner Assault Response (PAR) program were walking outside our building after regular business hours, eagerly waiting for the door to open. Some chat to pass the time, while others quietly smoke.

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When the doors open, men of all ages and occupations line up at the front desk to check in for the evening and confirm that they have completed their homework.

All participants in the program had been accused of or had been convicted of partner or ex-partner assault. The criminal justice system ordered them to attend a 12-week training program. One by one they made their way from the hall to the conference room. At exactly 19:00 the doors close and the consultation session begins.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic engulfed our world 15 months ago, the opportunity for a group consultation like this has been limited at best. In a short period of time, between September and October 2020, Abrigo met face-to-face with physically distant men in our large meeting room upstairs. However, the third wave of COVID has necessitated a return to virtual sessions.

In the world of social services, virtual counseling has taken off, even in group classes like our PAR classes. Technology, especially the Zoom app, has made this kind of counseling session possible and for many clients has the advantage of taking the course virtually. Travel time will be reduced and can reduce the cost of gas, food (dinner before class) and parking.

Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking Awareness

For others, technology is difficult. Some men have no technical experience. They don't have a phone or reliable internet service. Others do not know what approximation is. Abrigo will make every effort to accommodate these individuals, including arranging a one-on-one phone session.

Is only one of two employees working with our PAR clients. His long-time employee, software experience, and technical expertise made for a smooth transition to virtual consulting.

There's no room to build or prepare photocopiers, but it's time to share app documents and video clips with everyone on their home screens.

Partner Assault Response Program

The included classes are the same as in-person, but how counselors deliver has changed. To keep things simple, there is little teamwork between participants and no online breakout rooms are used.

Sexual And Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, And Response

Anderson, who works in his office in Abrigo, opens the Zoom virtual room at 6:45 p.m. for men to join. After the climax of the hour and his opening remarks, Anderson drew the group's attention. Over the next two hours, they absorb the evening's content, watch videos, and are asked questions that stimulate discussion and prompt questions. Men often respond with insightful comments reflecting on their experiences.

Each advisory group is different, and almost all of our clients can participate in person. Virtual consulting is here to stay in one form or another, but we look forward to the day when we can see our clients together again.

Ed Graca Ed Graca has been a social work professional since 1981 and has been the Executive Director of the Abrigo Center for 29 of his 31 years serving Toronto's Portuguese-speaking community, residents of the GTA, and all residents of West Toronto.

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