Budget Precision Rifle - If a shooter were to ask what caliber they should choose to learn the art of long range accuracy, I would definitely say the 308. There are many reasons to choose this caliber. The first is that Match grade 308 is an inherently accurate 1,000 yard round that can be bought off the shelf for less. The second reason is that, in my opinion, the 308 is the best round to learn weathering effects and how they affect a projectile in flight. This is also called "external ballistics". There is no cheating with 308. The shooter must be familiar with all surrounding conditions and must be able to correctly judge target distance, wind direction and speed to be effective. This caliber is an ideal training tool. The third reason is that the 308 has relatively little recoil. This is important because if the shooter is hitting the back of the gun, they are less likely to focus on the straightforward basics of well-aimed shots, and when they know they are going to feel a hit, they tend to back off, duck, or duck. a pain.

Remember, it's not about how sexy or expensive a sniper rifle is. What matters is the shooter and what he can do with the gun. When competing with another shooter, I have to laugh every time he fires up his $2.50 big dollar gun. And I'm hitting the same steel with my little old 308 and spending half the money. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't advantages to shooting a rifle specifically designed to shoot 220 grain pellets. My point is that a sniper rifle is just a weapon and the product it produces is only as good as the craftsman who uses it. The most important aspect of needlework is learning the art. After mastering the basics, a shooter can make small gains by upgrading their equipment. The most rewarding investment in a shooter is learning proper shooting fundamentals. In short, it means your money is better spent training and getting ammo before your sexy sniper rifle shines.

Budget Precision Rifle

Budget Precision Rifle

The first gun I will introduce is what I like to call a budget gun. It's not the sexiest gun in the world, but it's an accurate rifle. It's a cheap investment compared to other guns and equipment, which I'll discuss in parts 2 and 3 of this article.

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If the shooter is on a budget and wants to get into the game, I recommend the Remington 700 SPS Varmint. This rifle will sell for $700.00. If you put in the effort and do a little digging, you can find these guns for sale for $450.00. Most are in new condition, and some are even equipped with decent optics. I recommend the Remington 700 SPS for several reasons. First, the SPS Varmint is very accurate without modification. It is equipped with a decent stock and a heavy barrel. This rifle is capable of shooting sub "MOA" groups with factory matched ammo off the stock shelf. The next reason is that the action of the Remington 700 is solid and reliable. Checking and changing is also very easy. I don't know of any custom gun builders that don't work on Remington 700 actions. This is very important because the shotgun can be replaced with a new match barrel, stock, trigger, etc. . . There are guns and actions on the market now that refuse to work with them. The Remington 700 is usually not one of them. It's a solid investment that will branch out as you grow. A shooter can turn the rifle however they want as they become proficient and learn exactly what they want in a sniper rifle.

The next element that needs to be addressed is the optics or "glass". The optics of an accurate sniper rifle are just as important as the rifle itself. Nothing disappoints me more than a shooter who spends a lot of money on a rifle and then loads it with a low quality shotgun shell. Bottom line: glass is worth its weight in gold. You have to see what you're shooting to hit it. Poor glass just won't cut it when you're surveying attractive targets a half mile or more away. If your glass is of poor quality, it will be difficult to identify targets. Also, the adjustments you make to your turrets and scale should be accurate. If you mark your turrets up and down and back and forth over and over again, a poorly made scale will not keep track of reality. If the internal parts of the optics are made of inferior parts, they will quickly wear out and fail. When you mix it back in, the problems are even bigger. There are enough variables that snipers have to consider when engaging targets. A malfunctioning optic should not be one of them.

The optics I would recommend for our budget rifle are quality optics that are relatively inexpensive for the task. Make no mistake, optics are as expensive as guns. The optics used in the precision equipment of our military snipers are of the highest quality. These optics cost $2500.00 or more. So they are built with the best components in the industry. They are very tough and can take a lot of abuse for obvious reasons. This would not be the type of optic I would recommend for our budget rifle. I will talk more about these optics in parts 2 and 3 of this article.

There are several different scope options that I can recommend for our budget rifle. Optics must have at least 10 power. The rifle should have adjustable turrets to add elevation and windage adjustments. This is important because the shooter must be able to raise and lower his height when engaging targets at different distances. The shooter will have to adjust to different wind conditions when shooting.

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The first optic that fits this bill is the Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 4.5-14X40mm. These optics are durable and have good quality glass for the purpose. It is also equipped with a duplex grid. This scope can be purchased new for around $700.00. I saw these on sale for $450.00. If you do a little more digging, you can find used equipment for reasonable prices.

The second optic I would recommend is the Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10x44mm. Vortex Optics is a relatively new company that has recently entered the scene. I had the opportunity to have this tape in my hands and I have to say that for the money, this glass is hard to beat. It has a nice clear glass that makes it easy to adjust the height and windage for marking open towers. It is also equipped with an MRAD or MOA reticle to help locate targets at unknown distances as well as use the hold-down method to engage targets. Not the "crash method" of using your reticle to add height and windage to the gun instead of dialing in adjustments with your turrets. This is an effective way to achieve goals when time is of the essence. I will discuss this topic in more depth in future articles. This scope is also equipped with an illuminated reticle for engaging targets in low or no-light situations. Basically, the value of this range is hard to beat. The Vortex Viper retails for around $700.00 and I have seen it for less than $600.00. There are various variants of this scope that are more powerful but will cost you a little more money.

The last two things you need to complete your build are the frame base and the rings. There are many factories that produce quality rings and bases. As for the rings, the price ranges from $15.00 to $300.00. Rings are important because they hold your hand in place without damaging it. You want a ring set

Budget Precision Rifle

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