Build A Revolver - Most bicycle gun enthusiasts prefer to settle for buying guns made by manufacturers that have been in business for years, decades, or even since the last couple of centuries. However, one Redditor named Josh decided to try building a revolver for himself for a change. Homemade guns are not common, but they are probably the most viewed by law enforcement, and here at TFB in the topic of Improvised Guns. As I have mentioned in other articles, I always find it refreshing to see people doing and doing things for themselves, whether it is necessary or just for the love of working with their hands and solving problems with their minds. Let's take a look at the steps Josh went through when he decided to make his own gun.

"Professor Parabellum" has several DIY plans for making firearms at home, two are for revolvers, one chambered for .22 LR and another for .38 Special. Josh initially chose the latter option for his build, but settled on the .22 LR, while still using the Plan 38. These guns take a simpler approach by eliminating internal components that adjust the cylinder and instead require the shooter to use the hammer as well as rotate the cylinder. The cartridge is placed in place with a spring-loaded pin that "locks" into the index hole drilled in the row of each chamber. This is just one example of how to make a gun, so some may not like the additional requirements, but part of the beauty of the design is its simplicity while still being a repeatable gun. One of Josh's goals is to use minimal tools.

Build A Revolver

Build A Revolver

Josh started building his gun by printing each part of the design on paper, which would show the shape and size he wanted. He taped the paper to his iron, then used a drill to mark each specific part, which would make the final cut a little easier. Once each piece was cut to the basic shape, Josh had to file them to smooth out the rough edges from the drill.

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Josh had some problems sourcing for the required BOM, but he was able to improvise along the way. The following excerpt is from Day 3 of Gunmaking:

Additional changes from the plan aside from the addition of an aftereffect filter. The lid and handle are made of 6mm × 3mm steel wire. No problem just cut them from 1/4 inch flatbar. The main spring is supposed to be 3 hacksaw blades ok but it is a major failure. The blade is too soft and snaps. As a solution, I used a piece of brake line for the outside and a stainless steel dolly pin for the inner transport spring assembly and port to make this garbage. The tie rod at the top is necessary to allow full travel of the hammer without the need for a redesign. I wanted to build my own .22 barrel but the attempt was unsuccessful so I might as well cut a 10/22 barrel to use. I ended up losing the barrel while trying to build the index spring housing so I had to mount a new barrel. Thicken it up and add curves.

The buddy made me a .22 barrel out of the pipe and we pulled the key through the winch on the truck. He used a lathe to fit me a 10/22 sight and lowered the front sight out of the plane.

The end result may not have produced a beautiful wheelbarrow, but I'm not sure that was Josh's overall goal. The video below is from Josh Burriotoswithfritos YouTube channel. In the first video, he documented the construction process with lots of drawings (which he allowed me to use for this article as well) with some tips here and there. The second video is Josh's breakdown of gun making with his notes and a demonstration of the inner workings. Rokr 3d Wooden Puzzle Diy Building Toys Mechanical Model

The last video is one of Josh's tests from the propeller. The success of the project shows that anyone with enough determination can create their own useful firearms with different looks, which is not the need to have fun and challenge yourself.

You can check out Josh's completion thread on Reddit by going here, which has links to each day of the process. You can also check out his YouTube page here to see Josh's other projects as well. Seeing Josh make a gun by hand gave me confidence that I can do it one day, although I certainly won't claim that I am a beauty, but part of the beauty is the creativity and improvisation that makes it work as well. .

What do you think of Josh's .22 LR revolver build? Have you made a firearm for yourself, or helped a friend make one?

Build A Revolver

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since the age of 16 after shooting with a friend. Since then, he has taken many others to the field for the first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, policeman, outdoorsman, artist and student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader since the beginning and is happy to contribute content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 at, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

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